It matters how you look. Although appearance is not all that important, it’s just as important as performance at work. However, people judge us on our appearance. Do not be the man who looks like he just rolled out of the hamper, or the woman whose pants are too short. Your performance at work is more important than your appearance.

To work, don’t wear dirty or wrinkled clothes

When you arrive at work, it is important to look professional. You should always look clean and neat when you go to work. Stains should be avoided. In case of an unfortunate event, some people keep a spare set of clothes at work.

Your hair, nails and shoes should also be clean and neat. Your boss and coworkers might see you as careless and not paying attention to details if you don’t look tidy.

To work, don’t wear tight or revealing clothing

Sleek necklines, crop tops with revealing midriffs, sheer fabrics and mini skirts are not appropriate for the workplace. Unbuttoned shirts should not show the man’s chest hair.

People may not respect your professionalism if you wear revealing clothing. While you can argue the fairness of this, it may not change people’s perceptions.

Avoid wearing work clothing that is too casual

You don’t have to dress up every day for work if you don’t think it is. Instead, consider working somewhere where casual or business casual attire is permitted. Although a business suit may not be what you would consider comfortable, it is what your boss expects.

You need to understand what casual clothing means. What is too casual? T-shirts and shorts are out. Jeans are also out. However, some offices will allow jeans if they’re dark blue or black.

Even though ripped clothing is trendy, it doesn’t belong at work. Neither do flip-flops–definitely, NO FLIP-FLOPS!

Avoid wearing T-shirts with offensive messages to work

A t-shirt with offensive printing on it should not be worn to work.

Wear it somewhere else if your shirt contains offensive messages, whether written or graphically. harassment can also be applied to offensive images.

Do not wear club clothes to work

You may feel more comfortable wearing an outfit for a night at the club than you did home.

Avoid shirts that do not cover your shoulders, leather or glittery attire, unless you are attending the holiday party. This is for social events.

Do not wear clothes that make it difficult to work

You may feel more comfortable wearing an outfit for a night at the club than you did home.

Avoid shirts that do not cover your shoulders, leather or glittery attire, unless you are attending the holiday party. This is for social events.

Do not wear clothes that make it difficult to work

Use a light perfume or aftershave. People shouldn’t be able smell you before you can see them.

Many people are sensitive to perfume. You might want to avoid perfume or aftershave if you are working with someone who is sensitive to fragrance.