It is important to make a positive impression at work. You’ll be more trusted by your boss and coworkers to do a good job. This can lead to promotions or raises.

Proper Workplace Etiquette

Proper office manners will make you a positive impression on your boss. This may seem simple, but it is not.

If you are allowed to use your mobile phone at work, ensure it’s not distracting you or anyone else. There is a huge difference between professional and personal emails. Learn the basics of workplace email etiquette.

You must also be professional when you are out with clients, colleagues, or bosses.

You will make mistakes at work if you don’t know it yet. You may make a huge mistake. It happens to all of us. Your manager will judge you based on how you handle the error.

First, admit to what has happened. You shouldn’t try to blame anyone or ignore your mistake. Instead, accept full responsibility and find a solution. Your boss might be offended that you made an error, but he or she will recognize that you responded appropriately.

When you are sick to work

Are you adamant that your boss will be impressed if you come to work when you are sick, rather than staying home? You’re wrong. There are good bosses who understand that sick employees can spread germs throughout the office and not only make it difficult to be productive. It is a waste of time for everyone to go on sick days.

You can take the day off if you are afflicted by a fever or have concerns about your health. If your employer allows, you can catch up on work or do some work from home.

Make a Stand for Your Mistakes

You will make mistakes at work if you don’t know it yet. You may make a huge mistake. It happens to all of us. Your manager will judge you based on how you handle the error.

First, admit to what has happened. You shouldn’t try to blame anyone or ignore your mistake. Instead, accept full responsibility and find a solution. Your boss might be offended that you made an error, but he or she will recognize that you responded appropriately.

In a Crisis

Unexpected events at work can lead to a host of problems. The caterer may leave town just before the conference or the computer crashes. Who will make a better impression with the boss? How to quickly and effectively deal with workplace crises.

You can do this by imagining different scenarios and creating plans for how you will react to them. You’ll be ready to handle the unexpected if it ever happens.

Avoid controversial topics

Bosses like calm workplaces. They are not wrong. Employees can concentrate on their jobs when they work in harmony with one another.

Avoid having conversations about subjects that are uncomfortable. This could lead to arguments. For example, avoid talking about religion or politics.


Follow your company’s dress code. Although most companies don’t require employees to wear suits to work anymore, it is important to maintain a clean and neat appearance.

You can wear jeans and tee-shirts if you are allowed. You should also make sure your shoes are in great shape. If you follow your boss’s advice when it comes to your work attire, you can usually go wrong.

Respect your coworkers

Follow your company’s dress code. Although most companies don’t require employees to wear suits to work anymore, it is important to maintain a clean and neat appearance.

You can wear jeans and tee-shirts if you are allowed. You should also make sure your shoes are in great shape. If you follow your boss’s advice when it comes to your work attire, you can usually go wrong.

Present Your Company Well at Conferences & Meetings

It’s your responsibility to make a good impression when you go to a conference or attend large business meetings on behalf of your employer. Your boss will be impressed by your efforts and it will reflect well on the organization.

Network with others and dress appropriately. If you are unable to attend, make sure to bring information with you to share with your boss or coworkers.