Most people have heard at least one form of workplace gossip. It is a confidential conversation that you tell your coworker. It is almost impossible to conceal the fact that everyone has heard about it before the day ends. It can be very distressing to discover that your colleagues are discussing you behind your back. It can also cause serious damage to your career and reputation. These five tips will help you avoid being the center of gossip in your office.

Do not share your personal information

What happens if you share too many information ? You will be exposed to information that your coworkers may not want. Talking about marital problems, family issues, financial difficulties, and details about your love life is a bad idea. If you do this, they will have a lot to go against you. You can’t stop office gossip. Those who enjoy talking about other people won’t hesitate to make up stories. But you can help them avoid giving them fodder.

This is not a command to stop forming personal relationships and friendships with co-workers. Without friends, it would be difficult to stay sane at work. But a secret that is shared once it is out, will never be kept secret again. You should choose confidants who will keep your secrets safe. You should also think twice about disclosing personal information to your subordinates or superiors as it could affect your professional relationships.

Do not get romantically involved with a co-worker

A office romance can put you at risk of being the subject of gossip in your workplace. You won’t have to give out any personal information to your coworkers in this instance. They can witness the event live and in person. Your partner and you will be the stars on your workplace’s reality TV show.

It is possible to keep the relationship secret, but it can be difficult, especially if the co-worker and you are part of the same team. If you are already in a relationship with a coworker, it is best to be discreet. Do not show your affection to your coworkers. Avoid displaying affection or arguing front and center.

Keep Your Temper in Check

Some people find it more entertaining to watch someone lose their temper. Your red face, shaking hands and profanities coming out of your mouth will be noticed by your coworkers. They will then spend the days muttering behind your back about your outburst as they wait for their next call.

Take a break from work if something is causing you distress. Don’t yell or curse if you aren’t confident in your ability to speak. Wait until you feel calm before you can express your thoughts. To avoid being part of office gossip, do your part. Talk to the person who is causing you anger. Do not discuss it with anyone else.

Be aware of your behavior outside of work

Your behavior outside work may seem like it’s not your boss’ or your co-workers’ concern. You won’t tell anyone if you don’t tell them. That may be true – unless a colleague witnesses your behavior.

It’s impossible to predict who you might run into in an unexpected situation. One of your coworkers might find out about what you posted on social media. Worse, your bad behavior could lead to an arrest or you being featured on the evening news.

Dress appropriately

People love gossiping about their appearances, regardless of whether it’s true or false. Your colleagues will be talking about your appearance for years, so dress up and show up to work dressed like you’re going out to the club or cleaning the yard.

This alone is reason to be cautious about how you dress . Wear clothing that is appropriate for work. It all depends on the workplace whether you need a suit or jeans with a T-shirt. The clothes you wear make an impression. Once gossips have made a judgment about you, they will continue to hold on to it until they ruin your reputation. Do not give them the ammunition they need to do that.