Since the dawn of time, office romances have existed alongside offices and other workplaces. Our professional and social lives are often intertwined because of how much time we spend at work side-by-side with our coworkers. These relationships can sometimes be quite intimate even if they aren’t romantic. This can be problematic in and of itself, but it is important to watch out for when friendships turn into romances. These rules will help you avoid falling for a coworker.

Be a good friend before you jump into a relationship

While it may be great for your personal life, it can also be a disaster for your career. Avoid an office romance. It may reflect poorly on you both and it can be awkward if it doesn’t work out. Sometimes, however your good judgement can be thrown out the window when chemistry wins.

Do not go on your first date without thinking about it. Find out if there is a policy in place that prohibits employees from dating. If your organization has one, you should put off the date until you find a new job. It is possible to date secretly, but it is not worth it.

Next, even though your employer may not have a formal policy regarding office romances, you should consider whether they do. Think back to situations that were problematic for you or your coworkers in the past. If you don’t have one, ask your mentor at work for help. Talking about it with your colleagues will not cause suspicion.

Do not break the law

Sexual harassment charges can be filed against you if you make romantic advances to a coworker. You should be cautious especially if you are interested in a subordinate. If they decline, let them know that they won’t face any consequences. It’s not okay to joke about it.

After you begin dating, make sure your feelings remain mutual. You should not pressure your partner to remain in the relationship. Sexual harassment suits can be very unpleasant for all involved. It is important to be aware of what constitutes sexual harassment and not do anything that could lead to a colleague taking unwanted sexual advances.

Discretion Is Key

You may decide to jump if all involved are happy with the outcome. You don’t have to be open about your new relationship at work. This could cause discomfort among coworkers.

Discipline is becoming a dying art with social networking sites, and TV reality shows that allow us to share our most intimate moments. It’s better to keep your workplace romance private than show it off in front of coworkers.

You shouldn’t lie about your relationship. But don’t allow it to be public. You could be the subject of workplace gossip .

Establish rules with your partner and have an exit plan

Even though it might not be romantic, you should create a set of rules and an exit strategy in case things don’t go your way. It is important that you and your partner agree on this. Are you both looking for something serious? Or do you prefer to keep it casual?

How to proceed at work What about romance? Are you going to avoid leaving the office together? Are you willing to share your lunch break?

Next comes the hard part. This is the part that no one wants to think about when starting a new relationship. It may seem impossible that your relationship will last when it is just starting, but you need to be prepared for it. It is possible that you and your partner will have to see each other daily unless you plan on quitting your job. Before you decide to quit your job, figure out how it will work.

Don’t let your feelings get in the way of doing your job

Trouble could arise if your partner is also a boss and subordinate. While it is best to avoid romance, you should not let your feelings for each other influence your work. This rule can lead to you both having to search for a new job and a partner.

It may be difficult, for example, to criticize your partner’s work when your position in the organization demands it. Problems can also arise when you have to answer a higher-ranking partner in the chain of command.

Your romance should not be put above your job. This could cause problems for your employer as well as your colleagues, who might feel that they are being treated differently.

You should also remember that organizational structures may change, and you could find yourself in the same chain of command as your partner. You can either move on to another job or request a transfer from the organization that will allow you to work together.