You spend more time with coworkers than you do with any other person, so it is important to at least have a decent relationship. It is possible to make it even better. It can be a joy to go to work when there are harmonious workplace relationships. These tips will help you get along with your coworkers.

Respect your Colleagues

While you don’t need to be best friends with your colleagues all the time, it is important that you show respect for each other. Avoid offensive behavior. To do this, you must clean up after yourself and not take any other person’s food out of the fridge. Don’t give credit for another person’s work. If your coworker says that you are irritable, do your best to ignore it.

Avoid Bringing Up Cringe-Worthy Topics

Sometimes, colleagues can become close friends at work. While it’s wonderful to feel at ease with colleagues, you should not allow yourself to become so comfortable that you think all topics should be off limits. Avoid awkward topics that can lead to awkwardness.

There are some controversial topics that could lead to workplace discord, such as politics or religion. Other topics, such as your sexual life, can cause embarrassment. Talk about them only with close friends and family.

Start your workplace relationships off to a good start

It can be stressful to start a new job. You will be worried about how you interact with your coworkers. Do you feel as comfortable with them as you were with your former colleagues? Or are you better off if you have less than perfect relationships?

It takes time to build strong bonds, but it starts on your first day at work. Start things off well by being friendly to everyone. It doesn’t matter if you have difficulty making small talk. A warm smile can make a difference. Ask questions and be open to receiving advice and help from others. Invite others to lunch with you.

How to get along with everyone, even the most difficult

Coworkers should be included in the saying, “You can choose your friends but not your family.” They are not your choice. It may be difficult to choose a few, but hopefully not too many, just like your family members.

No matter how irritating they might be, you can find a way for everyone to get along, regardless of whether they are a chatterbox, a gossip or a delegator. This will make your life easier.

Practice Good Office Etiquette

As important as being polite anywhere else, good manners are essential for the job. This is a good rule to remember when you’re around coworkers. Always be polite.

Do not distract others who are trying to work by making phone calls. Talk to your friends privately and keep your voice low.

Emailing colleagues requires proper manners. When you make a request, always say “please”. Don’t drive coworkers mad by hitting “reply to all” on a group email. Only the sender will need to see your reply.

When you are having lunch with coworkers, be mindful of good table manners. Don’t touch personal hygiene (don’t floss), don’t take your phone with you to the table, and don’t rudely wait staff.

Show kindness to your coworkers

Your coworkers should always be grateful for your help. However, you can also surprise them with random acts of kindness. You could offer to bring coffee to a colleague on a rainy afternoon, or to stay late to help them complete a large project that has a deadline.

Don’t Spread Malicious Gossip

No matter if the gossip you spread at work is true or false, it will lead to problems. It can be tempting to give juicy details but it is best to not talk about coworkers. You will appear untrustworthy, and everyone could become your next subject.