A cell phone is a great convenience. You can reach your family and friends from anywhere, at any time, regardless of where you may be. Even at work. Although this accessibility is a great way for you to keep in touch with loved ones throughout the day, it can distract from your work and cause problems for your boss or coworkers. Here are some guidelines to help you if your employer does not have a policy prohibiting the use of your cell phone at work.

Place your phone away

Overuse of your cell phone at work can cause productivity problems. It’s a smart idea to limit your cell phone use at work, even if you don’t have to. To avoid temptation, keep your phone in a drawer on your desk and check it only when necessary to ensure you don’t miss any important calls.

Turn Off Your Ringer

Silence your ringer. Set your phone to vibrate if family members need to contact you during work hours. It will notify you when someone calls or texts and allow you to discreetly answer the call or reply privately to a text. Your coworkers will not be bothered by your phone ringing or ringing, and your boss won’t know how many calls you receive at work.

You can also buy a smartwatch to receive alerts for incoming calls or messages. You can also set some activity trackers to work with your cell phone.

Only use your cell phone for important calls

Do you chat with your mom, friend, or significant other at work? Keep those conversations to yourself for the drive home (hands-free) or during your lunch break. There are few calls that you can’t handle.

It is acceptable to respond as quickly as possible to a call from the school nurse if your child is sick. Most bosses would be open to answering calls when there are family emergencies. If your best friend wants to discuss weekend plans, you can do so from home.

You should inform anyone who may be calling about your dog’s behavior, so they don’t have to worry about you answering the phone. If your dog gets into an accident, the person who is at home can help her deal with it rather than letting you know right away. Your mom can tell Tilly that Tilly is engaged after work.

Let Voicemail Pick Up Your Calls

Instead of answering all calls right away, you can set up your phone so that they all go to voicemail. You can check your messages frequently and respond to them according to their urgency.

This system is not ideal if someone relies on you to respond immediately to an emergency, such as if they are your primary caregiver. It is a good way to handle non-urgent calls, even if they don’t need your immediate attention.

Locate a private place to make cell phone calls

While it is okay to make personal calls during breaks, you should find somewhere private where you can do so. You should find a place where you won’t be disturbed by others, whether they are on break or working. You should make sure that no one hears your conversation, especially if it is about personal items.

You can’t bring your cell phone into the restroom.

This is a fundamental rule of good cell phone manners, whether at work or elsewhere. Why? It is rude to the person using the bathroom and the person on the other end. It sounds like travel. In respect of your coworkers, let them keep their privacy. The person you are speaking with doesn’t have to feel as if they are in the toilet with you.

If you are not…

They are not only useful for texting and talking, but also serve as an important work tool. This rule should be read as “Don’t Use Your Smartphone at Meetings Unless It Is for Something Related to The Meeting.” You can use your phone to add items to your calendar, or to take notes.

While you’re in a meeting, don’t text, check your social media feeds, post status updates, or play any games. Do not bury your face in your phone. Keep your eyes open and keep your mind on the task at hand. Your boss will notice if you do anything else.