It can be difficult to attend an office party or other work-related social event. While you want to have fun with coworkers, it is important to remember that this is a work-related event. These tips will allow you to have fun without putting your professional reputation at risk.

Don’t drink too much

Should you eat ent? It is possible, but you should limit your intake. You can lower your inhibitions and have a negative impact on your judgment. Uninhibited and without good judgement is not a place you want to be. You could become the object of workplace gossip, or worse, lose your job.

Be aware of your limits and do not exceed them. It’s okay to have one alcoholic beverage, or two, if you feel you can handle them. Even though you might know that a third drink is not a problem, perception matters. It is important not to appear like you are overdoing it.

Don’t treat the office party like a singles bar

Your colleagues may not know much about you beyond their jobs. A party at the office gives you an opportunity to get to know your colleagues on a deeper level. You may find yourself looking at them in a completely different setting. Jim (or Jane) may suddenly seem a lot more attractive under cubicle lights than under bar lights. Don’t ignore your animal instincts. Neglecting your animal instincts can lead to disastrous workplace romances, or worse, one-night stands.

Do not Flirt with or act in a sexually provocative manner

Do not flirt with coworkers even if you think it’s innocent. Please read tip #2 if it is. It’s not a good idea. At best, colleagues may lose respect for you if you engage in sexually provocative behavior or flirtation. It can lead to sexual harassment claims against you.

You can say yes to the party dress (or suit)

For the office party, you can wear your favorite party clothes. You can throw aside your work clothes and dress up in something fun. While bright colors and sequins can be appropriate, it is important to maintain the same professionalism as you would for work. Do not expose too much skin, or wear anything that is see-through or form-fitting.

Keep your guard up

Relax and have some fun. It is a party, after all. You are still working, even if you’re in a different setting every day.

Your boss is watching. Your coworkers will be watching too. Do not reveal a part of yourself that might be embarrassing or could cause a change in their perception of you. If you don’t want your personal information to be shared in a professional setting, for example, it’s best not to share too much of your personal information.

Don’t Tell Off-Color Jokes

Most office parties are lighthearted. You are allowed to tell jokes as long as they don’t offend your boss or coworkers. People don’t enjoy telling off-color jokes so please refrain. You should also avoid using profane language.

Take Your Phone With You

Parties are a way for employers to reward workers and allow them to get to know each other. If you’re constantly on your phone, how can you make the most of these opportunities? It’s time to put it down and focus on what is important right now. You can always check your phone from time to time, but you don’t have to. Keep your phone handy to take pictures. Later, share them on social media.

Don’t talk about people behind their backs

It is not good taste to gossip, whether at work or at an event. There may not be enough topics to talk about with your colleagues, so you start to talk about the people who were unable to attend the celebrations. It’s not an easy thing to do, but it shouldn’t stop you from thinking about what you’ll feel if you hear back.

Do not invite uninvited guests

Your boss may only want employees to attend an office party. It’s not a good idea to invite your spouse or any other person without first asking permission. If you bring a guest, it may upset your boss or embarrass your guest.

Do not underestimate the importance of your guest’s behavior

When inviting guests, be careful about who you ask. You should avoid inviting someone who may display inappropriate behavior, even if they are your significant other. Bad behavior by your plus-one will reflect badly on you. Remind your guest, if necessary, to observe the same rules that you follow.